Take a look at what I've been working on!

Photograph of a bowl of Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries on top, placed on a clean white background. The yogurt is presented in a white bowl and is thick and creamy in texture. The blueberries are arranged in a neat pile and are plump and juicy. The white background provides a stark contrast to the colorful toppings, making them stand out in the image

Yogurt Project

Frontend Developer

Screenshot of weather project displaying current weather conditions and forecast for selected location

Weather App

Frontend Developer

Screenshot of the dictionary app prototype showing the main search screen. The screen displays a search bar with a magnifying glass icon, and below it are suggested trending words. The background is white, and the font is black, making it easy to read. The app's interface is simple and easy to navigate, with intuitive buttons and clear labels


Frontend Developer

Screenshot for the Translation App, simple interface, multiply languages available, userfriendly


Frontend Developer